
An altar
Earth Magick
A very practical form of magick. All tools and ritual items are straight from or made from the earth. A lot of emphasis on the elements.
One who has been practicing for many years and has great knowledge in many different areas of the craft. Ususally there is a group of elders in wiccan organizations. They oversee the happenings in that organization. They try to keep the old ways alive and because of this are slightly unsettled by the neo-pagan movement. (May we all keep the old ways alive, even if new ideas are introduced)
Most people recognize the four elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. There is a fifth one recognized by most witches: Akasha or the spirit. Akasha is said to be all of the elements combined. It is the essence of the universe, and each of us have a bit of it within.
This is the opposite of invoking.
Evocation is to call something out from within. Projecting your personal power to heal, or in ritual.
An animal that a which has a spiritual bond with (and vice versa) This can be a real animal such as the family pet, or a mythological or made-up creature which protects on the astral.
In ceremonial Traditions "Guardians of the Watchtowers/Four Quarters" are used in rituals. Some witches from other Trads may use them too. There are four of them used in each the four cardinal directions in the circle. They are called upon to watch over the ritual and to protect the witch(es) from negative astral beings/forces.
A Wiccan or Pagan marriage ceremony.
Not to be confused with dedication. Initiation usually comes after the year and a day time of study. This is really only used within covens; at the initiation they are a standing part of the coven. You can use it if you are a solitary, if you need to feel that you are actually part of a specific tradition.
To bring something in from without.
One's thoughts and deeds will count against or for them, either in this lifetime or along the spiritual path of many lifetimes. This is why we have the Rule of Three: whatever you do will come back to you threefold (if you do something good you will be "rewarded" by good things, if you do something bad you will be "punished" by bad things happening)
Left-hand Path
The people who follow this path don't care about hurting others, don't care about the rule of three, don't care about karma, etc. They do what
ever it takes (mostly using magick against people) to get what they want. Bottom line: THIS IS NOT GOOD, THIS IS VERY BAD.
Focusing your will and emotions to change the world around you and within you. You change things in the astral/spiritual world and the changes manifest in the physical world. Magick is not good and it is not evil: it is the intent of the person using it that makes it good or evil.
Magick Circle
This is a circle created on the astral plane by the witch which protects her/him (or the coven) from outside forces during a ritual or spell working. Usually envisioned in blue or white, and created with the athame while walking deosil. You "cut a door" with the athame whenever you have to leave or enter the circle. Always close the circle after the ritual or spell working is over, you don't want to leave that energy hanging there. The circle is closed with the athame again by walking widdershins. Some people may have a physical
circle made of rope, chalk, or tape in addition to the magickal one in order to keep their boundaries better while they are working.
Magickal Systems
Synonyms: traditions, denominations, sects, or pantheons. A basic set of guidelines refering to specific God(s)/Goddess(es) or cultural
All the people just starting out in some nature based religion. Those who have absorbed the new ideas in paganism, still a part of the old ways but things have changed a bit.
The follower of a nature based religion. A much more acceptable term rather than neopagan (which seems to be a direct result of the new age vocabulary).
A collection or group of Gods and Goddesses from a particular religious structure or mythology. There's Greek, Roman, Celtic, Egyptian and many, many more. You choose which pantheon you really like. In ritual and spells you would
use the dieties in you pantheon to work with you. Note: They are not different Gods or Goddesses, they are just different names. As humans we name or label things to relate to them. If you can't work with just an unnamed force of nature in magick then the magick won't work too well. It has to be something you identify with.
A pentacle is a five-pointed star symbol that is sacred to Wiccans. A pentagram is an object on which a pentacle is drawn, carved, etc. Each point of the star has a specific meaning: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. An inverted pentagram is never worn by a witch. Although some second degree initiations may use it. That is the only exception.
She is the female leader of a Wiccan coven or organization. If she is a solitary she has
dedicated herself to a particualar Goddess. The Priestess plays the part of the Goddess in some ceremonies on Sabbats.
The same as the Priestess but only male. They are equals.
We call the quarters in the beginning of a ritual while casting the circle to watch over and protect the ritual. This is also like the Guardians of the Watchtowers. The quarters are North, South, East, and West. They each have an element, color and many other things which co-relate.
The basic belief that people live more than one life. You live, you die, your essence lives on and is born again in another body in the next life.
There are many things that play into this, like karma. You try to perfect yourself over many lifetimes (balance your karma). You're either done with your incarnations after that, or you opt
to comeback again as a teacher, prophet, or whatever.
A focused ceremony done to either honor dieties or to perform a specific magickal working.
Runes have the same basic function as the Tarot but they are different. Runes have their own specific pantheon: Norse, Scandinavian, or Germanic.
They are used in divination like the Tarot. They can also be used in vision questing, and can function as a magickal alphabet in rituals, spells, or your magickal writings.
This is a divination method in which you would use either a bowl of water, a mirror, a crystal ball, etc. The diviner would see either visual pictures right on the ball, or water; mental visual
pictures; or no pictures at all, he/she would just get information.
A symbol or seal with a magical purpose which you make yourself.
(At least the most powerful ones are those which you make yourself.)
In some traditions or by choice, magickal working is done in the nude. It is being in the natural state which we were born into. It is being more connected with the natural energies and letting them flow more. If being skyclad is not used
in the Tradition or not desired by the solitary robes or clothes which do not constrict or hinder movement are advised.
The first question to ask yourself before you even plan out a spell is "do you NEED
this?" The final result will not come about if it is not needed.
You used extended emotional and mental energy in an organized mini ritual. The energy is physically manifested by spoken word (to yourself or aloud), written, drawn or danced. It must be clear, concise, focused, and emotional. Be careful what you say and how you say it. If you wanted a spell to pay bills, you wouldn't want it to end up by getting inheritance for a dead family member. Be careful.
The spiral is a symbol of "coming into being." The spiral dance celebrates this powerful symbolism.
A magickally charged object that is meant to bring something to the bearer. It would be worn to bring good luck, money, love, etc.
The Tarot is one of the most popular divinatory tools.
There are 78 cards total. The Major Arcana consists of 22 numbered cards (0-21).
These cards are meant to represent the path through life. Most people don't go through the entire path in one lifetime. This all depends on whether you believe in reincarnation. There are 56 Minor Arcana cards. These represent more minor situations in life.
One who is adept at handling the Tarot.
Vision Questing
Using astral projection, bi-location, and related things to accomplish a specific goal: such as when your searching for a magickal name for yourself or when you would like to find you familiar.
Networking with like minded people. Writing, computer, going to or hosting events. Helping others
learn and learning things yourself.
Wheel of the Year
One full cycle of the seasonal year. The New Year is a Samhain (better known a Halloween).
A counter clockwise direction. You would walk Widdershins to close a circle for example.
The process of using magick to reach a desired and positive goal